Monday, March 25, 2013

Webquest Progress Blog

For my Webquest Project I have decided to have the students read, Dear. Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary. The students will be responsible to write blogs, which will be based on the pages they have read on a certain day. Each blog has different topics that the students will need to respond too. Also, the students will be responsible for commenting on their peers blogs, which will hopefully allow the students to feel accountable for their work. Lastly, I would encourage my students to try to contact a modern day author, just as the main character did in the story. 

So far, I have not had any problems with my QuestGarden in itself. I have used the browser Mozilla Firefox as my professor has suggested and everything has been working as smooth as possible. The only time I felt frustrated with QuestGarden was when I had to add pictures to my Webquest. I didn't like how I had to download the image to my computer and then upload it from there. I like how Livebinders does it, because then it automatically credits where the picture was taken from too. 

At this point, I have inputted my text, added pictures  and included a rubric to my Webquest. I feel that I need to go back and re-read that my process makes sense and that I have proofread it. At this point I am not sure what exactly I still want to add, because I really want to focus if my Webquest Project in general is a good concept as a whole. I really like the idea of Webquest and I am curious to know if this resource is used a lot in the classroom. I feel that it does take time to make one, but I can see the benefits it would have for students and teachers to be on the same page. 

Monday, March 11, 2013


Learning about Copyright was more interesting than I thought it would be. Even though my quiz results are poor (54%) I still feel I learned a lot.I learned that copyright is more than just about giving credit, but also asking for permission in some cases.  Many times it is when dealing with music. For example, if a teacher wants to perform a song that has been well known, then they need pay for the rights to use it. I was surprised to learn even if the person knows how to play the song by ear. I also learned that it is part a civil offense rather than a criminal offense.  

Another thing that stood out to me was that videos can't be used as rewards and that showing it in a cafeteria on a school campus is not legal. It needs to be shown an actual classroom and it has to have an educational purpose. It is alright to show a clip, but I don't think you are suppose to show the whole movie. Lastly, I learned that teachers are able to use their students technology work at conferences or meetings.  Overall, I was surprised about much teachers and schools can use without breaking the law. Also, I was surprised that the article said that copyright wasn't so much about making money, but it is really about protecting who the credit goes to. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Digtial Native

I really liked reading these articles, because I felt the author made a lot of good points that I have never really heard or thought about. I liked the quote that Marc Prensky used in the beginning of the article, which was “Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system  was designed to teach.”  I don’t think that our educational system has always been wrong, but I do agree that the students that we have in our classroom now are more aware of their learning strengths and weaknesses. I am always impressed when a younger child is able to navigate a television remote or Ipad, and many times they know it better than their parents or family members. Also, I was amazed to think about the numbers that students spend watching television or using some kind of technology in everyday life. It's not taboo for a child to know some type of technology, but rather it is taboo if they don't know.

I felt that there were many strong points that I agreed with Marc Prensky. For example, I agree that any subject and a student at any level will be able to learn new information or skills with the support of technology. I believe that since technology is so broad, there is always some way to reach out to a person of any age or skill level to learn new information.  I like that teachers have been given more opportunities to be accountable for their teaching, especially in recent years, and I believe that incorporating technology will be part of that criteria, if it is not already.

I had a hard time disagreeing with Marc Prensky and his points. He seems to believe that teachers that are considered "Immigrant Natives" will have to make choice to accept the change and learn for their students, or just stick to old ways that may not work for the students in the classroom. Marc Prensky made it very clear that what is being taught should still be the same (content wise), but instead he is suggesting to present that information in a different and new way, rather than old traditional ways that may include reading only from a textbook. I think it is acceptable to have students who like to see visuals, enjoy "hands on experiences", and that can multitask. There are plenty of examples of studies that prove that students are still learning even if it seems that they are doing something else. Also, students still need to be given time to think, process, and reflect; because that is all part of the learning process. Since students are living a fast paced world where they can get answers right away, it is still important to demonstrate the importance of thinking about answers and why things are the way they are. There are many good things that technology can bring and I look forward to keeping up to date with it, so that I can make the best use for my students. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

WebQuest Project

Subject Area: Language Arts
Topic: Analyzing Dear Mr. Henshaw By, Beverly Cleary and Writing Letters.

Grade: Fifth

Common Core Standards:
The following standards offer a focus for instruction each year and help ensure that students gain adequate exposure to a range of texts and tasks. Rigor is also infused through the requirement that students read increasingly complex texts through the grades. Students advancing through the grades are expected to meet each year’s grade specific standards and retain or further develop skills and understandings mastered in preceding grades.
2: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.
6: Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described.

Technology Standards:
1. Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
End Product: Students will be writing their own letters throughout the unit, just as Leigh did. The teacher will give them certain topics to write about based on the book at times and other times the students will be able to free write, just as Leigh did. They will be able to use blogs, word document, social media, etc. to keep record of their letters.

Scoring PowerPoints

My Thoughts About the Article:
Reading this article made me realize how much I already know about Powerpoint presentations and I know it's because I have had teachers demonstrate what a good presentation should look like. My teachers have always demonstrated that powerpoints should be organized, appealing to the audience eyes, and accurate with interesting information. Even though the article did acknowledge on what makes a successful powerpoint, it also seemed to focus on what unsuccessful powerpoints look like. The number of words used, picutres, audience, and time should always be considered when making a powerpoint, however the information and big ideas are what should always be the main focus. It is important for presenters to not forget what the purpose is, because that is sometimes what leads to an unsucessful powerpoint presentation. . The author also seemed to be adamant about keeping the presentations short in length and professional. In this case, less is more. The presenter has the role of capturing the audience attention with eye contact, voice expression, and confidence, because that is what makes a powerpoint presentation successful. The powerpoint in itself is just to help the presenter deliver the messages.

What Parts I Agree With and Why?
I do agree that teachers have to be examples on what good presentations should look like, because they are modeling what they expect from their students. I dislike when presenters are reading off the slides, because it makes me feel that they are not confident in what they are presenting. It also makes me feel that I could be reading the powerpoint myself. Also, I agree that powerpoints should be a tool to help guide the presentation and not necessarily be the presentation. Often times I think people get them confused, because they think the powerpoint is the presentation. However, I see it more as notecards that are suppose to help you remember what you want to say. I agree that student's should be provided rubrics, because it helps give students a guideline of what is expected of them and a goal to aim for. Lastly, I agree with supporting students to cite their work, whether it is picutres or words. I think often times we forget to cite pictures and it is something that also needs citing, because it gives credit to what is not our own.

What Do I Disagree With and Why?
I found it difficult to find things that I disagreed with about the article. However, I did disagree when the article expressed that real images should be used rather than clip art. I do agree that real images do make points more clear, however, I also think that clip art can do the same. Just as the article said, it depends on who the audience is and what the purpose of the presentation is.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Getting to Know You!

Andrea Maria Moncayo is my full name, however, the people that see me every day or  that are really close to me know me as, Drea.

Who I am at Home:

  • A daughter: My family is the most unique thing about me, because my dad had me when he was 60 and my mom was 38. I am very proud that my parents (mainly my dad) is older and it something that I have been able to share with strangers  openly my entire life. 
  • A sister: I have 8 half siblings and a full blooded sister. My youngest sister and I are not even a whole year apart!
  • A Aunt and Great Aunt! 18 nieces and nephews and 3 great nephews and 1 great niece.

This is my sister, Gaby! We are twins for 10 days every year!
This is my dad at his 10 crazy kids! 

Who I am at School:
Friends since Kindergarten all the way to APU.
  • A Kindergarten Instructional Aide: The students call me Ms. Moncayo and I love it! I get to work with 31 kindergartners every day and I work with a great teacher. I am learning so much from her. I feel so blessed to be at the school and I work at and the only person I can truly thank is God. 
  • Boys and Girl Club Staff Member: I get to work the 6:15 a.m. shift and I love it! I get to work with kids from K-5! I enjoying get to know the students and teaching them new skills. 
  • A Grad Student: I never thought I would be getting my M.A., especially in Digital Teaching, but I love it and I don't take it for granted at all. 
  • A Friend: I love making new friends and being a friend. I have friends that I have kept from elementary, middle school, high school, college, and co-workers. I am grateful for the friends I have and have made, especially lately. 
Who I am When I am Out and About:
  • A Photographer: I love taking pictures and I loved editing them on Photoshop. One of the best birthday gifts I got was Adobe Photoshop.
  • A Traveler: I am always itching to go somewhere and I have been all over and I feel like I still have so much more to see! 
  • A Dancer: I enjoy ballroom, swing, and salsa dancing. 
  • A Musician: I like to play the piano and ukulele. 
My Photography

Something Unique:
  • Something unique that happened to me is that I got to study abroad in South Africa. It was the best thing I could have ever signed up for. 
South Africa, 2009.